"Delivering Happiness:"
Ten Questions with Tony Hsieh
of Zappos
October 1, 2009
Tony Hsieh has good reason to be smiling lately. He's the face behind a billion-dollar business. His company has gone through the roof in the decade since it started with his mission to be the leader in customer service and also to sell shoes - lots of shoes.
On July 22 of this year, he wrote the employees of Zappos to say, "This is a big day..." The open letter announced that the company was being acquired for $887.9 million by Jeff Bezos' online giant, Amazon. By Hsieh's description, acquisition "doesn't really convey the spirit of the transaction." It's more like "Zappos and Amazon sitting in a tree."
Tony's not in this for the short haul. He describes the window he's looking through as being "really long-term" and is open to new directions for the company, like (among other things) an airline. He talks here about what happiness means to him and to Zappos and how it will figure into his upcoming book.
See the full 10 Questions interview with Tony Hsieh here.
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copyright 2009 - jeff cerny
CNET Networks, a CBS interactive company