REthinking the WORKplace:
Ten Questions with
Jason Fried
of 37signals

February 18, 2010
Whether you want to build applications or just use them, Jason Fried has some ideas on how to do it a better way.
His emphasis has been on staying small and agile and building from the user backward. Jason started 37signals in 1999 as a Web design firm and began building out the tools he needed to do business. In the process, he realized that building the tools was an even more successful business.

Since then, 37signals has transitioned to being one of the biggest names in the dynamic world of online Web tools. In 2006, the company got the attention of (Amazon's) Jeff Bezos, who is now their sole investor. Jason talked with me recently about the secrets of his success, how he defines his business and his competition, and the myriad ideas he's poured into his new book, REWORK, about how to build a business.

See the full 10 Questions interview with Jason Fried here.

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